Applying to a school whether it is a private or a public school is a process. It gets worse as kids move up, when it comes to middle and upper school the process can be a bit overwhelming as it changes according to schools - some of select students at random, some use 4th-grade report cards, attendance and behavior records, and others require additional auditions or exams.
To help you in making the right choices and alleviating the process, this year as part of our conference program at Miami Schools Fair on Saturday, October 5, 2019 we will have Directors of Admissions specifically talking about middle school and upper school admission processes.
PS: In the meantime, go ahead register to attend and if your teens is thinking of applying to an art school take advantage of the wonderful opportunity ICA Miami offers - a two-week summer course designed to prepare incoming 7th and 8th grade students who intend to apply to magnet and charter arts schools. Participants will be guided by high school mentors from New World School of the Arts, Miami Arts Charter and DASH to prepare for the competitive application process through portfolio review and sketchbook building exercises.
Throughout the course, high school mentors and ICA instructors will review schools’ application and audition requirements as well as assist participants and their parents or guardians to understand the level of performance expected if accepted into art school. Contact: